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> anka  --help
usage: anka [options] <command>

   Anka command line tool

  -j,--machine-readable    Output a machine readable format (JSON)
  --version                Output the Anka version

  list                     List local VM library
  config                   Manage the CLI configuration
  show                     Show a VM's properties
  modify                   Modify a VM parameters
  view                     Open VM display
  run                      Run a command inside of a VM
  create                   Creates a VM Template
  start                    Start or resume a VM
  stop                     Shut down a VM(s)
  clone                    Clone a VM
  push                     Push a VM to the registry
  pull                     Pull a VM template from the registry
  reboot                   Reboot a running VM(s)
  delete                   Delete a VM(s) and tags
  registry                 Configure and control template registries
  cp                       Copy files in/out of the Anka VM and host
  license                  Manage licenses

Getting Started

Getting started using Anka

Command-line Reference

Anka CLI Reference

Modifying the Global Configuration

How to modify the Global Anka Virtualization configuration


Release Notes