Anka Build Plugins and Integrations for CI/CD software

Here we will break down the two different ways to use Anka with your CI/CD/Automation platforms and tools.

Controller-less Build Cloud (Registry Only)

This setup requires:

  1. At least one Anka Node (macOS host running the Anka Virtualization software).
  2. A linux container running the Anka Build Cloud Registry.
  3. Your CI/CD’s runner/agent installed and able to execute anka CLI commands to prepare and use the Anka VM. For example, install the github actions runner and then use our action.


Build Cloud Controller + Registry

This setup requires:

  1. At least one Anka Node (macOS host running the Anka Virtualization software).
  2. A linux container running the Anka Build Cloud Controller & Registry.
  3. Our plugin installed in your CI/CD tool (like the Anka Jenkins Plugin). See a full list of plugins available on our CI Plugins and Integrations page.


Controller + Registry

Anka Build Controller + Registry Plugins and Integrations for CI/CD software


Controller-less Anka Build Plugins and Integrations for CI/CD software
